Embody Her

Connect to your power as we journey up through the 7 chakras to create alignment and abundance in your life

9 weeks of embodiment practices & sisterhood community that will guide and support you on your journey, this work will change your life...

Starting live this May 2024, as we settle into spring this is the perfect time for rebirth, renewal, and stepping into the magic that YOU ARE

This program was created for you to :

  • Cultivate a loving connection with your body

  • Connect in sisterhood with other women

  • Listen to your body & be able to allow your intuition to guide you

  • Step into your power, embody your feminine energy, and connect with your ability to manifest your reality

  • Learn to speak your truth while balancing the ego and connecting with your soul’s guidance

  • Release deep rooted shame & fears and accept all parts of yourself

  • Align your 7 chakras and bring them into balance, allowing you to experience better physical health, emotional stability, and spiritual enlightenment

  • Create safety in your body and embody the love at the core of your being

  • Step into your goddess energy cultivating unshakeable confidence, open yourself to more love, and perceiving life from a state of bliss and magic

Your Guide & Coach

Priscilla Ashley

During most of my life, I lived in a state of fear and anxiety. Fear seemed to consume my life and felt familiar. I lived my life with anger as my core emotion. It became normal for me to react to anything that challenged and made me uncomfortable by getting defensive and asking “Why me?” I kept attracting men that didn’t choose me and left me feeling emotionally depleted. I was living unconsciously in a world where I would suppress my emotions, felt completely disconnected from my body, experienced extremely painful periods, drank alcohol almost weekly, gained a lot of weight which lowered my confidence, and eventually developed hormonal acne.

My body was SCREAMING AT ME + “WAKE UP”!

Through my experience with acne, I learned the power of healing the body through food as medicine and language of the body via signs and symptoms. This led me to enroll in a program to become a coach, to guide women on their healing journey. I then felt called to join a group coaching program that was all about aligning the chakras and THIS is when my conscious mind became conscious and I started to awaken to my SOUL.

Through my inner work, I journeyed into inner child healing, somatics (the language of the body), sexual healing, diet changes, deep self-love, and reflection. I chose to become sober and stop outsourcing my pleasure. When I began to feel to heal my heart opened in ways I didn’t know were possible, my period pain went away and I started to honor and celebrate my monthly bleed. I began to attract relationships that are nurturing and rooted in love and safety. I started to move my body in a way that aligned with my spirit and health journey, I came home to myself.

The start of my healing journey gave me a glimpse of what life was TRULY capable of and made me realize how important this work is. It brought me to realize that most women feel disconnected from and stuck in their bodies, and most women are disconnected from their power. I created EMBODY HER for the women who feel afraid to use their voices, for the women who are tired of living a cycle of life that does not align with their truest selves and start moving toward who they want to become.

If you feel called to this program there is a reason for it. Your spirit knows before your mind does. Explore that! I’m so grateful I answered the call to enroll in that group coaching program two years ago, it led me HERE. I’m here to hold space for you and guide you to awaken your inner healer so that you may heal yourself. I answer my calling to help women remember how powerful they are. It is time to EMBODY HER!

A look inside :


Week 1: Foundations

We will dive into foundational practices to ground, create safety, and introduce tools to help you connect with your body, mind, and spirit. You will be able to use all the practices throughout the program and beyond! We will understand ourselves better by connecting astrology, the doshas & the 7 chakras. I will host an opening ceremony & you will set intentions for the women you are looking to embody by the end of this program. It’s going to be magical!

Week 2: Subconscious Reprogramming + Root Chakra

Starting at the root chakra we will focus on reprogramming your subconscious mind away from fear & anxiety, practices to connect and balance your root chakra, and an introduction to kundalini ( the yoga of awareness). We will move into feeling safe in our bodies and practices to cultivate it, and learning how to self-soothe and balance our emotions. I will guide us through a meditation to connect with the root chakra the foundation of our being. Through kundalini, we bring attention to our life force energy and connect to the pranic body.

Week 3: Womb Healing & Sacral Chakra

Now that we have our foundational practices, rooted in safety and understanding of mind-body-spirit connection we will move up through the chakra system into our sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is home to our sacred sexuality and power. We will explore the womb space, manifestation, sacred moon cycles, cycle syncing, and holistic menstruation. This week you connect to your POWER.

Week 4: Empowerment + Solar Plexus

Moving up to our third chakra aka the solar plexus, we practice releasing self-doubt and reprogramming our mind. Come into wholeness by accepting all parts of you. We will practice feeling as a gateway to our healing and we will discuss what we are consuming in our diets and how this affects our elimination organs and well-being.

Week 5: Opening the Heart

Journey up to the higher chakras and land in the heart, the source of life, love, and a deeper connection to self. Come back home to yourself and become the love of your life. Reframe how you show up in heartbreak and start thinking with your heart. It's time to open yourself to more love as we balance this chakra. Stop outsourcing your love and step into wholeness as you start to romanticize your life. Start to embody the love you are worthy of and stop accepting the bare minimum.

Week 6: Unlock Your Inner Voice + Throat Chakra

From opening our hearts to speaking our truth. Allow the thoughts of the heart to be spoken through the voice of the throat. We will work with our inner child, mother, and father wounds to clear any stagnant energy or fear keeping us from speaking our truth. We will journey into the soul and speak from this space by bringing in playfulness and joy. Get ready to sing your heart OPEN!

Week 7: Connecting to your Intuition + Third Eye Chakra

As we speak our truth we gain clarity, we open ourselves to safety, we trust more, and the more we trust the more intuitive messages we can receive. Here we align with our inner truth. When the lower chakras are balanced and aligned we become clear channels for the intuitive messages to flow through.

Week 8: Spirit Body, Divine & Beyond + Crown Chakra

Moving up to the crown chakra this is our direct channel to the divine, as we open this chakra we can connect more with the creator, god, and/ or universal energy. A practice of kundalini will allow us to embody our connection to the divine. Activate your power and feel the massive blessing it is to be YOU. Step in your goddess energy and emerge a new.

Week 9: Embody Her

The journey through the chakras has allowed us to open and activate these energy centers in our bodies. We step into the embodiment of our goddess energy, connected to our power, and in alignment with our truth. I will host a closing ceremony to create space for reflection and manifestations.

The POWER of Embodiment

In this program each week is curated to guide you on a journey of self.

Within this co-created magical space of community, we set an intention to unlock the inner goddess within you. I will guide you through proven practices and tools to create safety in your body, ground in love, and open your heart to the truth of who you are, a POWERFUL GODDESS!

Each practice was created to help reprogram the mind, bring in alignment, and cultivate a better relationship with yourself. Your fellow community of women will be going through the program alongside you, holding space, and celebrating you. You will feel deeply loved, powerful, magnetic, blissful, and connected to your intuition.

✨ Connected to your power and in full embodiment of the goddess you are

✨ Have created a relationship with your body, ability to understand the language of the body and listening to her subtleties

✨ Heal your connection with your womb and menstrual cycle remembering this sacred space is the source of your POWER

✨ Connect with the subtle energy around you & hear the voice of your intuition as your new guide

✨ Heal the sister wound after healing within the commUNITY

✨ Feel a greater connection to the depth you are capable of feeling love for yourself and other beings

✨ Feel more connected to your soul’s purpose and what you want to create in this life

✨ Embody the love that you are, every single day

✨ Know you have the tools and resources to process your emotions and allow them to provide you with wisdom and healing

✨ Come into a deep surrender of the knowing that you are always being guided and lead

✨ Safety in your emotions and feelings and honor your voice

✨ A raised vibration that allows you to easily set boundaries and feel bliss through the process that is life

This WILL change you . . .

After 9 weeks together you will feel:

Enrollment is now open

Enrollment is now open

If you are ready for this incredible journey into self-love and transformation . . .



Payment plans are available as low as $138, with no interest payments using Affirm & Klarna

✓ 9 live calls via ZOOM with a module lesson and recordings

✓ Community of sisterhood & Group Chat with weekly access to me as your guide

✓ toolbox of podcasts, curated playlists, and practices to support your journey

✓ live weekly morning meditation

✓ Astrology chart & dosha reading

✓ Kundalini practices

✓Lifetime access to this program


✨ One FREE Reiki Healing session - this will be used to support you in the program as we journey up through the chakras you will notice they may be out of balance and the reiki healing will help bring harmony and flow back into the body

✨ One month FREE access to OPEN a meditation, breath work, and movement app (pilates is available through the app) to support your health and vitality as you start this healing journey. This will be a guide and resource for you to use daily. 

✨ 7 days FREE Kundalini Meditations, Breathwork, and Yoga Through the Evolve By Erika App & then 15% off the first month for anyone enrolled in EMBODY HER

20 % OFF your first order at Sakara Life, an Organic Meal Prep Delivery Service that boosts metabolism, focuses on gut healing, increases your energy, and gives you radiant skin.

✨ FREE PDF Guide created by me to achieve a pain-free period and heal your cycle holistically using diet, cycle syncing, lifestyle changes and so much more!

Value: Over $444

You’ll get access to all of this and 9 weeks of coaching with me by enrolling NOW!

Still have questions?

You can book a FREE 15-minute discover call with me where I will share more about what to expect in the program and answer any questions you may have. No commitment, let’s see if this would be a good fit for you!

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Anywhere between 1hr & 30 mins - 2 hours

  • A day & time will be selected once all members share & confirm availability

  • No, although it is highly encouraged that you come live due to the community activations. All calls will be recorded and sent to you to watch on your own time!

  • YES! There are extended payment plans offered through Affirm- simply go to the check out page and you should see the option under "alternate payment methods" to the right of the screen.

  • Nope! Come as you are my love, this program was created to hold and support you. There is no experience required, if you feel called, let’s explore it together!

  • If you still need more info or want to speak with me directly, DM me on Instagram, or book a free 15 minute call with me. This is a no pressure call, only to see if this is the right fit for you. Talk soon!